To contact Philippe DEHAYE is to encounter a passion, the old automobile, and a skill, restoration. Collector of vintage cars for over thirty years, he acquired a very good knowledge of their history, their mechanics, and the techniques used to enhance their woodwork. He began his professional career as a restorer of antique furniture, specializing in precious wood marquetry as well as the very complex restoration of Boulle marquetry, widely appreciated in 17th century Versailles. For 30 years now, Philippe DEHAYE has combined his two passions by specializing in the restoration of automotive woodwork. Working for the greatest French restorations or in direct contact with his clients, many cars have passed through his hands over the years.
Behind his workbench, Philippe DEHAYE is able to restore or manufacture all types of woodwork and steering wheels for your cars, whether they are vintage collection or modern prestige.
Bringing the greatest care to the work, whether structural or finishes, respecting the original shapes and materials, and keeping the “spirit” of an old car but also adapting to the owners’ requests will be his objectives. He will know how to listen as an advisor, because he is passionate about these cars. It is true that he spends most of his time either giving them back all of their glory, or digging deeper into the subject through readings, visits to collectors and museums, and the joys of being behind the wheel.

Sales page

This section is devoted to various items offered for sale. They vary from woodwork to rare mechanical parts, but also decorative elements intended for your automotive environment. Feel free to contact me for more information.